Getting insurance for your martial art school can seem liked added hassle and added expense. Worse yet, individuals outside the financial sector may be confused about how much insurance should cost and what their options are for financing.
We understand these concerns and frustrations. We are martial artists and insurance professionals, so we’ve encountered many individuals from both sides of the conversation. Let us be the first to tell you that if you are opening a martial arts school, it’s very likely that you can afford good quality insurance.
Understanding Insurance Costs
Creating a policy for a martial arts school requires and understanding of the nuances of each individual program. That being said, you can get a good idea of what your predicted costs can be by using our free quote form.
We take a few simple factors like the location of your program and the number of students you have and run it through our algorithm. We then send you an automated predicted cost (monthly or annually) for a boilerplate insurance policy that will likely meet your needs. After the free quote you can reach out to us and discuss some of the finer details of what you need, what you’ll be covering, and how to arrange for payment.
It’s all pretty simple and pain-free!
Who Should be Covered by a Policy?
Some martial art schools have multiple programs under one roof. In that situation it might not be entirely clear who should foot the bill for the insurance plan. Here is a good way to approach it:
First, make sure the building is properly insured. Also, have an umbrella martial arts policy that covers any kind of art that might take place in the building. After that, it is recommended that each individual instructor carry their own policy to ensure personal financial interests are not negatively affected by an incident in the school. Finally, determine what unique risks each individual instructor’s program may bring and plan accordingly.
What is the Fine Print?
If you’re moving along in the insurance process you may be interested in knowing some of the smaller details. These details can describe what incidences are covered by a policy, how much money an injured party is entitled to, and how filing a claim works.
If that sounds like you then pop over to our insurance purchase page. From there you can browse the details and get back to us with any questions.
Questions, Comments, Concerns?
We try to offer clean and automated service to our internet visitors but that doesn’t mean we don’t want to hear from you. Financial topics like insurance can lead to a lot of questions and we’d rather you be well-informed and happy, so reach out to us! You can call at 888-868-1164 or email via our contact page.
The more we learn about your program the more we can inform your decision, tell you what other instructors in similar situations have done, and construct a responsible payment plan that doesn’t break the bank.
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