It’s not too late to plan a Martial Arts Summer Camp!
As we approach the end of the school year it would seem like it is too late to plan a camp but that isn’t true. Many summer camps of all varieties are full. Parents that didn’t think about summer activities in the dead of winter are stuck wondering what to do with their children during summer break. You will need to act quickly but it would be manageable.
First, choose dates and begin to market to your existing clients.
Print fliers and deliver them to local schools and daycares.
Post on local community pages in Facebook, Nextdoor and Instagram. Partner with other kid friendly business to help promote your program.
Decide on pricing. Do not undervalue your services just because you are late to the game. Consider requiring a deposit or offering a payment plan.
Contact to add the camp to your policy.
Offer free tuition to older student if they help with younger ones.
Get t-shirts printed with your logo. Many websites, like can do this reasonably and quickly.
Although, much of the curriculum should be athletic/martial arts based, don’t be forget it is summer and kids want to have fun. So include a movie, trip to a local water park or zoo, an afternoon bowling or a fun craft.
Summer camp is a great way to keep your income steady through out a typically slow season. It is also a great for recruiting new students to your school for the upcoming year.
Camp Insurance
Like tournaments, camps are not automatically included in your coverage. If you are hosting either a camp, seminar or tournament, please let us know at Thanks, Don
7 Reasons Why Your Child Should Practice Martial Arts
Great article why your child should practice martial arts.
Karate School Insurance – Affordable Rates and Quality Coverage
Establishing and operating a karate school can be a serious challenge. While many instructors are qualified to teach the curriculum, they often underestimate the amount of ‘peripheral work’ that goes into establishing a well organized and highly functional martial arts operation. Good schools have safe facilities, handicap access, in-stock uniforms and gear, and insurance. The insurance matters might seem intimidating at first, but with the right guidance proper coverage can be easy and affordable to attain.
How We Help Karate School Owners
We help martial arts schools of all varieties, but karate is our specialty. We have dozens, maybe even hundreds of clients that teach karate and work with us on developing their protection plans. The key variables for your program are your location, number of predicted students, size of facility, and value of gear housed within. We can develop an insurance plan covering just injury or one that protects all of your possessions as well.
If you are ready for a free quote to find out your predicted insurance costs, click below:
Get a Customized Plan Perfect For Your School
At we take a personal interest in each of our clients. We learn about your particular school and what you will need covered. From there we develop an insurance policy that fits just right. Our clients stay with us because we never build excessive insurance plans just to bulk of the price. Conversely, we are careful not to create cut-rate plans that leave the client vulnerable. Our knowledge of the industry allows us to construct the right plan quickly and efficiently, getting our client up and running as soon as possible.
What Information to Have Handy When Applying for Insurance
If you think you’re ready to apply for an insurance plan, here is what you should have ready. By preparing this information ahead of time you will find the application process to be very pain-free. Gather the following:
* Legal name and information of your business
* Personal contact information
* Predicted size of your student body and facility
* Estimated value of facility and equipment inside
* Payment credit or debit card
Apply Online Through Our Secure Portal
Many of us have come to enjoy the ease of payment through online means. We like to make the insurance process as streamlined as possible, and to that end have constructed an online application process. We use an external, highly secure service to ensure that our clients information is safe during submission and stored safely for as long as they do business with us.
When applying you will be taken to our external gateway and guided through the application process, filling out a series of fields providing us with the needed information to develop a policy. After your submission is complete we will reach out to you with our best fitting plan, at which time you can confirm and complete your agreement.
To start, click below:
Legalization of MMA Facing Opposition in NY
Mixed martial arts has garnered near country-wide support as organizations like the UFC have continued to grow and expand their influence. Picking up where withering sports like boxing have left off, MMA is seen as both engaging and brutal. Fans believe the sport is safe and well regulated while opponents feel it is dangerous and overly aggressive.
New York is the last remaining state to allow officiall MMA events to take place within its borders. Pressure has been building to allow entry but it looks like the sport will run up against opposition once again:
“The fight to legalize mixed martial arts in New York is probably facing another split decision this year.
The state Senate passed a bill Tuesday to legalize the controversial but popular sport for the fifth straight year.
But the effort is likely to be knocked out in the Democrat-dominated Assembly, which thus far has refused to allow a vote to come to the floor.
Insiders close to Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver don’t expect that to change before the legislative session ends in June.
New York is the only state in the country that still outlaws the sport.” – NY Daily News
The tide seems to be turning against those opposed to MMA but that doesn’t mean the sport will be a shoe-in for NY fans any time soon. The battle continues through the legal process and MMA proponents will have to watch closely as the votes come down one way or another.
An important part of the decision making process is the involvement of women in the sport. Most female MMA athletes would suggest their training has been empowering but other voices suggest it is exploitation and degradation. A close examination of how the female athletes are both marketed and handled throughout MMA organizations might reveal truth in both arguments.
Hapkido Insurance – Affordable Policies for Instructors and Schools
The art of Hapkido has a unique and complex history. Its origins stem back to Japan likely springing from Daito Ryu Jujitsu. Once brought back to Korea it was infused with concepts from other arts, providing it with a well-rounded curriculum of striking, throwing, joint locking, and more. Modern teachers of Hapkido have spread all over the world, including the United States, and continue to teach this intriguing art.
If you are a Hapkido instructor you certainly realize the inherent risks of teaching an art this diverse. No matter how good the teacher there is always a potential for injury and liability when practicing a physical activity of this nature. That is why it is in your best interest to establish a quality insurance policy as soon as possible. Every day you teach without coverage is a day where your entire business could be at jeopardy.
Who Needs Insurance – Teacher or Owner?
One of the most common questions we get is in regards to who exactly should carry an insurance policy. Some instructors own their own facility, which makes the answer easy. However other teachers operate within rented space and only serve as an instructor. Would the owner of the facility then be responsible for the teachers coverage?
The answer is that the owner of any facility where public activity is taking place should carry a policy. However, there are plenty of situations that the owners insurance company might use to avoid paying claims that happen under the watch of the instructor. As such, it is wise for the instructor to carry his own policy in addition to that of the facility. Individuals who happen to be both owner and teacher quite clearly need a policy, but one that covers both protection of students and also protection of building and equipment held within.
Is Hapkido Insurance Expensive?
A good insurance policy can be surprisingly affordable. We construct plans based on both the size of the program and its location. We then assess the added needs of coverage for building and equipment
to come up with a final estimate. Many small programs, including ones operating out of garages and YMCAs, can afford insurance. Use our free quote tool to find out today what good coverage might cost you.
How Does the Application Process Work?
We’re a privately owned company and we take customer service very seriously. If you choose to purchase a policy through us you can rest assured that we will help you throughout the process. It’s not as painful as you might think.
The first step is to visit our policy purchase page. You’ll go through some light forms so that we can get a more complete idea of who you are, what program you are running, etc. After that we will reach out with any questions we might have in order to establish the most properly fitting policy possible. After that it’s just a few steps of getting your payment set up and you’ll be good to go!
We encourage you to reach out to us directly with any questions you might have before, during, and after the process. We’re here to help protect you and your business.
Avoid Carrying Keychain Weapons While Flying
We all know there is inherent risk in flying, both from the plane and from other passengers. Nevertheless, it is not acceptable to carry weapons of any kind onto an aircraft. This feels obvious for items like swords, nunchaku, knives, etc but also pertains to smaller less obvious implements.
A man recently pulled a ‘double wammy’ at JFK airport and tried to board a plan with an obvious weapon and a not-so-obvious weapon:
“A Central Pennsylvania man was arrested Wednesday after trying to pass through security with a loaded handgun and a martial arts weapon.
TSA officers stopped the man, from Lebanon County, PA, after he took off his vest and put it in one of the plastic bins before walking through the X-ray machine.
Inside his vest pocket was a loaded .32 caliber handgun with five rounds, according to TSA officials. Along with the handgun, the man was also armed with a “cat eye-knuckles martial arts weapon” which appeared in the X-ray image.” – Pix
This individual was clearly of the mindset that it was his right to carry weapons at all times and in all situations. He is incorrect and his possession of a weapon put the rest of the passengers in danger. Most people forget that if they carry a weapon, and a threat gets the drop on them (which can occur quickly), the weapon can easily be used against them and other passengers. In addition, the airline has no clue about the mental stability of the weapon carrier and cannot assume the person should be trusted in a confined space with a deadly implement.
The loaded gun was an obvious mistake, but the cat eye knuckles would have gotten him in trouble by itself. Small weapons, especially keychain weapons, are easy to forget about when preparing for a flight. Many individuals walk around with tools like kubotan, pepper spray, folding knives, metal knuckles, etc so frequently that they forget the implement is even there. This is especially true for women who are actively encouraged (and rightly so) to improve their chances of successful self defense with effective tools.
Before flying double check your own belongings. Look at your keyring as well as your wallet, purse, pockets, etc. Even if your tool seems silly (like cat knuckles) remember that airlines are still on high alert and will confiscate the implement. In addition, you may find yourself facing interrogation and even criminal charges.
Bruce Lee Featured in New UFC Video Game
Bruce Lee, one of the most iconic martial artists of all time, is back at it again – this time in video game form. Lee’s legend has inspired a wide variety of books, movies, toys, and even video games, but it has been a number of years since he has appeared on the digital stage. The time seemed right to UFC owner Dana White to put him front and center in the octagon.
“I’m a huge Bruce Lee fan,” Dana White, UFC president and co-owner, tells USA TODAY Sports. “Having him as a character in the game is fun. Anytime Bruce Lee can be involved in the UFC, I’m in. I love it.”
The UFC has released three video game titles since 2009, but none incorporated any aspect of Lee’s likeness. However, with next-generation gaming consoles allowing much more realistic character models than in the past, White, along with Lee’s daughter, Shannon Lee, feel now is the time to pull the trigger.
“There hasn’t been a Bruce Lee video game in a while,” Shannon Lee says. “Not that this is a Bruce Lee video game, but to be able to bring my father into that space in a way that I think is super fun and pretty exciting was intriguing to me.” – USA Today
Fans can expect Lee to possess some of his trademark moves and mannerisms. The game creators poured through tons of video and photographic imagery in order to get the rendering just right. Technology has never been better at creating lifelike 3d models so players can expect a close-to-life experience when playing as Lee.
In the world of mixed martial arts Lee is seen as something of a progenitor. Dana White has pointed to Lee on multiple occasions as someone who understood the goal of mixed martial arts before UFC even existed. The inclusion of Lee as a character is a natural expansion and point of homage as well as marketing opportunity.
If the past few decades have taught us anything it’s that interest in Bruce Lee is never likely to die out. Interest may wain, but then opportunities come along to introduce fresh generations to his legacy. This pattern is likely to continue for the foreseeable future as technology only gets better at re-creating his singular talent.